Tuesday, March 26, 2013

My 'Gina Is Just Fine, Thank You

I am always amused when men have a "no shit, Sherlock moment" and see something that makes them aware of how badly the media sexualizes young girls in our country, so when brother-in-law saw a documentary called "Sexy Baby" he came to me in eager alarm and told me I had to watch it.

It was filled with the typical info; blah, blah, blah, media telling young girls that they were only as valuable as the sex they could provide to men, blah, blah, blah, if you want to be worthy as a person you need to whore yourself out for acceptance, blah, blah, blah, and more stuff I wrote an academic paper on over a decade ago.

The only new information presented to me, someone who has been very aware of these issues for close to 20 years, was the whole labiaplasty phenomenon.  I heard of this procedure about six or seven years ago in the context of a 15 year old girl who was about to have it done for medical reasons.  This poor, young thing had been born with freakishly large labia that had caused her real problems in life.  She was athletic, but had trouble doing things like riding a bike and running.  She loved to play softball, but dreaded the uniform pants, and even had trouble wearing underwear.  To me, this was no different than women who, during development, end up with one boob considerably larger than the next.  When the story aired, I was happy that there was a surgical remedy for an issue that was beyond her control.

During "Sexy Baby", it was a different story.  The documentary profiled a stunning beautiful, young woman who was obsessed with having labiaplasty done.  From years of looking at pornstar images, and through crude remarks from an insensitive group of assholes, she called male friends, she got it in her head that her sweet lady bits were ugly and terrible, and the only solution was to go under the knife.  These thoughts were further enhanced by a sleazy doctor, whose sole business was labiaplasty.  This poor girl had gone so far as to take a second job to save up for her labiaplasty.

I watched her story with a mixture of anger and bewilderment.  All my life, I have held to a few solid truths; grass is green, the sky is blue, and all vaginas are different.  Like weddings, vaginas come in all shapes and sizes, some are interesting and fun, and others are routine or weird, but because they are different, it's all good.  I felt that the "your vagina isn't good looking enough" was almost like the one last place where our society could go in telling women how ugly and inadequate they were.  We are already told we are too old, too ugly, too fat, not tall enough, not hairless enough, our teeth aren't white enough, why not tell us our vaginas aren't good enough, either.  What's next?  Will there be a big x-ray trend where the media tells us that our internal organs aren't as quite up to par as they could be?

I really wanted to reach out to this young girl, and talk to her.  If I could, I would first tell her to get new guy friends.  She seemed to be about 24 years old, so assuming all her guy friends were in their mid-20s, I would let her in on a little secret about them; they are all completely full of shit.  They may go on about being such amazing dudes that they would, absolutely, turn down a vagina for not looking proper, but we all know the truth.  I have met tens of thousands of men throughout my life, and barring the ultra-religious, I would venture to guess that when presented with a naked and willing vagina, the men I've met wouldn't likely turn it down due to lack of symmetry, and if they did, I would question whether they were really into vagina to begin with.

I would tell this young lady to quit her second job, and enjoy her young, happy life.  As I said, she was stunningly beautiful, and seemed like a genuinely sweet girl.  She doesn't realize what an amazing catch she is, and that made me sad.  She is the kind of young woman that any decent man would be proud to have on his arm, but all she could see were her own flawed girly parts.

She said her previous boyfriend once made a comment about her labia being too large, which I suspect was a subject she first introduced, and given the male company she kept, was likely a 20-something asshole with way too much ego.  I would give her the best comeback ever.  When the asshole made the remark about her labia, all she had to do was look at him and say something to the effect of, 'Hmm...that's strange.  I've been around naked women before and I'm fairly average.  Maybe it's not that my labia is too big, but that your dick is too small.'

Then I would encourage her to unfriend him from Facebook, take his number off her phone, and tell every female she knew that he was in intensive taker with a small penis.  If every woman were to stand up and do this, then I guarantee, the labiaplasty trend would subside in a heartbeat, and the procedure would be relegated for medical necessity only, once again.

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