Tuesday, February 28, 2006

New Opportunities in the Right-Wing Era

14 years ago I spent four hours locked up in a jail cell in Idaho, because I had the nerve to take part in a protest against a militant anti-choice group who was trying to block the entrance of a Planned Parenthood. I sat there paranoid rehearsing the call to my parents, when I was thankfully bailed out by the guy who worked for the ACLU. Soon after, a law was passed that made militant anti-choicers stand a certain distance away from the clinic entrance, and all was well. Until yesterday, when the Supreme Court decided that the old law wasn’t good enough, and crazy-assed, bible bangers should be allowed to verbally abuse scared women while shoving poster boards of aborted fetuses in their face.

I could get mad about this situation given the recent ruling in South Dakota, which the religious right will inevitably use to ban all abortion in the U.S., but instead, maybe I should start thinking like a neo-con, capitalist, “my dollar is worth more to me than a family in need” Republican and see this legalized harassment as a positive move. In fact, this action, and the ones that are guaranteed to follow under Justice Alito/Scalia/Roberts will create new and exciting jobs like the following:

Dead Fetus Product Designer – After a lifetime of being fed messages that they are only worth the sex they can provide to men, a few little whores have gone and gotten themselves pregnant, and now they want to abort those precious gifts from G-d. As a Dead Fetus Product Designer, your duty is to make sure these little tramps know what they’re giving up, and that they’re going to Hell for it. Bumper stickers, t-shirts, buttons, thermal coffee mugs, and of course, the over-sized protest poster board, all need good quality, dead fetus pictures blazing across them. Search the web for a few barbaric medical photos (whether they are the result of an abortion or not), then throw them into PhotoShop, add some extra blood, maybe a tear in the dead child’s eye, and you are in business! As a Dead Fetus Product Designer, you can be creative. How ‘bout a dead fetus backpack for the kids or dead fetus gift bags for those Secret Santa clubs at church. Sky’s the limit in this new and creative career!

Clinic Snitch – Angered that some doctors might actually be giving their female patients the information they need? Then this new career as a Clinic Snitch is just what you’ve been waiting for. Spend the afternoon pretending to read the latest issue of Cosmo in a comfortable, climate controlled waiting room, while faking an appointment. As women come to the doctor, you can take their descriptions, license plate number and car information, and if you become a proficient Clinic Snitch, might even be able to strike up a conversation and get their first name. After gathering the information, you turn it over to their employer, spouse, clergy member, and anyone who you think might be interested in knowing that the tramp may have been inquiring about reproductive health care. After all, her body is only hers until she might be carrying one of G-d’s precious gifts.

Black Market Condom Dealer – It will start with abortion, Plan B, and other forms of birth control, but as soon as you can say, “The bible tells me so”, any form of sperm restriction will be outlawed in this new and improved U.S. of A. This is your golden opportunity to cash in by trading in the hottest new market; condoms. Those little suckers used to be given out at schools, then society found its “moral compass” once again, and the only people who need condoms are fornicators. Take advantage of their sin by hording condoms now, so that when they are taken away as the last form of birth control, you can charge $5 a pop! If those whores who fornicate want to throw away their virtue, they are going to have to pay heavily to do it, and you’ll be able to reap the guilt-free rewards.

I jest about all of this, but how fucking scary is it. I guess since young women have had these privileges all their life they operate under a belief that abortion and choice will never be taken away from them. To my little sisters out there who think that they will always have this freedom, welcome to this dark, new world. Abortion is going to be outlawed in the next two years in the majority of the U.S., Plan B will become increasingly unavailable, and companies will turn and look the other way when some low-level pharmacy assistant refuses to fill your prescription, because it goes against his religious beliefs.

These issues are no joking matter, but I have the feeling that it will take something as drastic as having our choices snatched away from us, before some gals figure out that the vote they cast for Bush/Cheney wasn’t such a good idea. Clinton might have fucked up here and there, but his love of pussy kept him from doing away with any sort of birth control. I can respect that way more than I can respect anyone claiming that they are doing divine will by limiting the choice for a group of people who make up 56% of the population of this country. Regime change across the board anyone?


Anonymous said...

Where is the opposition? Why are so few women in politics? Where is the divide between church and state?

Is it because an increasing number of Americans are disenfranchised (politicaly speaking), that the few that vote these days are dumb ass christian fundamentalists? I agree that the world does seem to be entering a dark age. Religion and all its intolerances and inhumanity are on the rise, women seem to bear the brunt of this also. Curiously though, despite the neo-con assault on sex (see 1984 and how the party tried to eradicate the orgasm), the US makes millions in the porn industry. A peculiar palindrome there.
Is it still ok to be an out and out atheist in the US? Or are we viewed as the cause of all evil?

Melanie said...

Steve, I have been wondering why the divide between church and state has becoming increasingly blurry. I think there is opposition, but the media (largely owned by conservative corporations) won't give any attention to the opposition, thus making it look like they don't exist.

You are dead right on the porn industry. Unfortunately, when your country kicked the Puritans to the curb (rightly so), they came over here and their ideals continue to stick today. The same guys who will scream their heads off over Brokeback Mountain will end up going home and beating off to lesbian porn. It's so fucked up!

You can be an atheist here in Seattle; I know many of them. However, in Middle America, you might get strange looks.