Sunday, August 06, 2006

Minimum Wage, Maximum Shame

Remember the days when your school teacher would list items on your report card that needed improvement. For me it was always “needs to avoid unnecessary talking”, which seems a little outdated considering that I ended up earning my college degree in Communication. If I was going to apply this same method of suggestion to our government, perhaps the report card comment would read, “needs to concentrate less on keeping the citizens who do all the work poor” followed by “needs to pander less to the special interest” and maybe ending with “must not vote oneself a huge pay raise then refuse to give the lowest paid workers an extra $2 an hour.”

Score one for the top one percent that owns this country, this last week, as Anderson Cooper and CNN desperately tried to distract you with 24 hour coverage of the shit going on in the Middle East, our lawmakers decided to deny a minimum wage increase. This is on the heels of voting themselves one hell of a sweet pay raise just a couple of months ago. While unskilled workers try to eek out a living making $5.15 per hour, it’s nice to know that our Senate doesn’t have to give up their Starbucks fix (which most likely totals up to about $5.15 per visit), because they are now making around $160,000 per year.

Maybe I’m being too harsh and should cut them some slack, because kissing King George’s ass 24/7 and accepting non-stop corporate payoffs in the form of campaign contributions is tough work. After all, it takes millions and millions of dollars to convince the average person, who may or may not have healthcare, that you feel their pain, and empathize with their situation.

To give some props where needed, CNN did take time to interview some minimum wage workers to stress how difficult it was to try and make a living on the pittance the government requires companies to pay. Most of the workers they talked with were immigrants and worked 12-14 hours per day, six to seven days a week. Yet for their hard work, our esteemed lawmakers bowed to their own employers, the corporate interest, and told these people who break their backs for the little bit that they earn, that a couple more bucks isn’t in their cards.

There hasn’t been a minimum wage increase in this country since 1997, yet Congress has voted itself $30,000 in wage increases. When Jeff and I were both working full-time for companies, our combined salaries didn’t come close to $160,000 per year, yet these schmucks have the nerve to rake it in, then turn around and tell the single mom busting her ass with two jobs that she doesn’t deserve a lousy $2 extra per hour!

The CNN report pointed out that someone who works for minimum wage makes about $41 per day before taxes, which isn’t enough to fill a gas tank at the current fuel prices. Lawmakers should hold their heads in shame every time they enter an establishment where minimum wage workers greet them with a smile as they bring them their double soy mocha latte. I am proud to live in a country where the majority of us are willing to work hard and take pride in our jobs. However, I am embarrassed that we’ve let a bunch of elitist assholes run the show. C’mon people, we can do better than six-figure per year congressmen who sit around all day in golf clubs schmoozing with corporate robber barons.

My sister is a school teacher with a Master’s degree in Education. She has several years of teaching experience under her belt, and is not a stranger to putting in 12 hour days. Her students’ parents call her at home, she spends extra time with kids who need help, and her future goals include a position in the administrative end running a school, so she can make a larger contribution to improving the education for children. For all of this, my sister makes 1/3 of the salary of the idiot Congressman from Washington who let the Green River killer run amuck for years and murder 70+ women. Then when the killer was captured, he took all the credit, and got himself elected to a Congressional seat where he has done the same level of work that he did while tracking the killer…nothing!

I’m not trying to throw a hissy fit, and I’m well aware that life isn’t fair, but the fact that our lawmakers are bringing in over $160,000 per year and get special treatment and perks galore, and the guy at the fast food counter has his entire family living in a lousy, one-bedroom apartment near the airport is just too much of a discrepancy for me.

I propose that we take a decent, nationwide sampling of mid-management level salaries and pay our lawmakers accordingly. Then we bar them from voting themselves a raise (because, duh, who wouldn’t vote themselves a raise if they could), and use the national average, once again. In fact, we make all raises based on merit instead of cost of living, so they only get their 4-7% if they can prove that they’ve done something more than pander to the administration and corporate interests. I think we would all go to bed at night feeling a little better, except the lawmakers who wouldn’t be pleased with the pay cut, because they’d probably have to wake up in the morning, forego their Starbucks fix, and in order to stretch their budget, make their own coffee.


Anonymous said...

I used to work as a waitress on the graveyard shift at a 24 hr breakfast restaurant in Alaska. We were lucky enough to get our minimum wage raised to $7.75, I think it was. That was up from five something. I can't remember the numbers too clearly. What I do remember is that the wait staff and the customers were punished by the management for the increase!

They upped the menu prices and told us to serve smaller portions, which then made our nights hell because the customers would bitch at us for the increase in price. The management said that we were to explain to the customer that the food was more expensive because we had been granted a pay increase. It was fucking ridiculous and humiliating.

On top of that, we were no longer allowed the one free meal per shift that we had been getting before. I worked with some single mothers who counted on that free meal as their only meal for the day, because their pay was so low that even after the minimum wage increase, they could only afford food for their kids.

It's absurd to think that someone in Senate who has probably never had to work as hard as those single mother waitresses, is going to understand just how hard it is to scrape by. Just because you make too much to quailfy for welfare doesn't mean you make enough to survive.

Melanie said...

Heather - It never ceases to amaze me that the moment the minimum wage does go up, the employers act like it was a major coup by the employees. My husband told me recently that he doesn't believe in a minimum wage, because the market should set the wage. I guess he forgot about greed for five seconds, because if there was no minimum wage, Wal-Mart would pay their employees in stickers and chickens.

The fact is that the cost of living, including the services provided by minimum wage workers, has gone up, but the companies are not kicking that profit back to the workers, they are hording it at the top, as usual. I have seen middle management get raises, while the lower level workers get downsized. Then the companies wonder why their books aren't balancing!

I have absolutely no sympathy whatsoever for the employers who would have to pay out the minimum wage hike (if you can call $2 per hour a hike). They have been getting away with the comfort of paying shitty wages for too long.

Anonymous said...

This goes way back to the McCarthy period for me. Any concept of socialism was made forever taboo in American politics. Not that socialism works of course, but what it did do was give politicians who believed in the working class a platform. Nobody in American politics represents the people. They represent big business. Hence the shocking nature of this post.

Anonymous said...

What our legislators have done (and not done) about the seriously out-dated minimum wage issue is a crime. The stinking $5.15/hour is not a living wage and you don't need a master's in economics to figure that out.

Re-elect no one. Maybe THEN they'll listen.

The Dog of Freetown said...

I like the cut of your jib. It always delights me when the water companies here manage to give themselves bumper bonuses despite another record year of bad service provision. I suppose it's all to do with a lack of accountability, which makes you wonder why we're so intent on spreading democracy left right and centre in the world. Actually, it seems to be the people running the democracies that seem so intent on this. Ah well, back to the television.

Beezle said...

Morgan Spurlock, of "Supersize Me" fame, had a show called "30 Days" in which he would live in a certain condition for 30 days and see how it would affect his life. One episode had him living on minimum wage for 30 days. It was incredible to see how rough things became for him, particularly when his fiance got an infection that needed medical attention. Of course, most minimum wage employees don't have the perks of health benefits ergo, they couldn't pay for the medical bills. Smart buisness owners know that the more you pay your employess the more they invest in the buisness which in the end benefits everyone.

Anonymous said...

Having been a minimum wage employee myself, I can understand that raising the federal minimum wage should be a priority, but only if that raise is applied to all equally. You didn't seem to notice that the legislation had a little rider in it that would have allowed employers to pay their employees who get tips (waiters/waitresses, servers, bartenders, etc.) below the minimum wage, since the tips that they recieve (which are still taxable) would supposedly compensate for the lower wage. Being a professional musician, I know literally hundreds of people whou would've suffered from such a low blow.

Melanie said...

Anonymous - I did notice that provision in the bill regarding minimum wage employees who receive tips, and I thought it was the lowest, shittiest thing that they could have included. Well, that and the big ass tax break for the rich folks who get buckets of money when their old relatives kick. Unfortunately, in the interest of keeping my blog entries a reasonable length, I didn't address this, but I think it's absurd!

Washington is, fortunately, one of the states that requires tipped employees to receive minimum wage, whereas my former state of residence, Idaho, gave consent for employers to pay tipped employees $2 less per hour. Having dated many a tipped employee while in school, and having been one for awhile, I thought the Idaho standard was ridiculous.

I still think it's a crying shame that they didn't pass the bill upping the minimum wage, because it would have been a start. Those in the service industry who receive tips could have tried doing mass strikes to have the provision removed, but you guys were up against a huge lobby. The major reason they added the provision regarding tipped employees in the first place was due to the ginormous food and beverage lobby, and one of the senators actually admitted it!

At this point, we just have to vote for regime change across the board and make damn sure that the newbies elected in know that we are holding them accountable.


Over there over here. Same shit different country.