So this is how it ends with the guy who coined the phrase “cut and run” cutting and running. Karl Rove, otherwise known as The Architect, or as I like to refer to him; the son of a bitch who is one of the major reasons why these past six years have been a living hell, resigned. Don’t get me wrong, this is great news. Of course assassination would have been ten times better, but in this age of protectionism, cronyism, and corporate-enabling, I’ll take what I can get.
What makes me sick right now is that I’ve seen glowing reviews of Rove’s career. Particularly how he took a spoiled, slightly retarded, boy prince and made him ruler of all the land. Only leftist blogs and news sources are talking about the little nuances such as placing national security in danger by outing a CIA agent for revenge, or lying to the American public to get us into a clusterfuck of a war that made the rest of the world hate us, polarized our country, and will end up costing us over a trillion dollars. We could have had healthcare or cleaned up after a few natural disasters, but instead we financed the murder of nearly 100,000 Iraqis, because good ol’ Karl was pulling the strings.
Not only is he responsible for the obvious things I have listed above, Rove also had a direct hand in stabbing his base in the back. He made Christians look like a bunch of fanatical idiots by using the “a vote for George is a vote for Jesus” ploy to win the last election. Christians all over the U.S. should be calling for Rove’s head! Prior to the 2004 election, Christians were seen as a diverse group in terms of the political landscape, but Rove played them like fiddles polarizing them to the Right, and fucking them in the end by doing everything that Jesus would never do if he was given the office. Last time I talked with a group of Christians, murdering, lying, swindling money, and profiting from the suffering of others weren’t Christian values.
Rove also was responsible for hijacking the Republican Party. My stepdad’s Republican Party was one that didn’t like to spend money and wanted an efficient government. They were tough on defense, but knew when to use it. They also didn’t give that much of a rat’s ass about social issues, because they believed government shouldn’t interfere too much in the lives of the people. The Rove Republicans are not the same as the Grand Old Party I grew up with in Idaho. I’m not saying that I support the old school Republicans, I don’t support either one of the major parties, but I did like some of the things they stood for. Now that Karl’s put his shoes outside the Republican doorstep, they can no longer say they stand for efficient government, because he oversaw the greatest government expansion in U.S. history. They can no longer school Democrats about being too spendy, because they’ve blown billions on a cause that will never benefit the people directly. The war won’t keep us safe at home, we won’t be able to pay for the war with the Iraqi oil, because private companies have already contracted the oil fields, and the most that we will ever see from this conflict are wounded, troubled, American soldiers who were thrown to the wolves by Rove & Co.
Now he gets to walk away scot-free in the middle of absolute chaos. The war is an unpopular mess with no good ending, the boy prince he made president is hated by his own people, our infrastructure is crumbling from six hard years of neglect, and the Department of Justice, one of the pillars of our supposed democracy, is the shambles. Funny, those mainstream publications seem to be leaving these miniscule details out of their Rove worship.
The sad thing is that he will likely trot off into the sunset completely unscathed by the mess he has had an enormous hand in creating. He claims he is resigning to ‘spend more time with his family’, which is the usual political bullshit line no one with half a brain believes. I’m wondering if his new cushy job will be with an oil company or a Halliburton war profiteering company. What scares me is the idea that he will take neither offer and instead begin looking for the next boy prince he can groom to the top. Hopefully, the next time Rove rears his ugly head, the American public will be smart enough to give him the collective finger. In the meantime, all I can say is “Adios, Motherfucker. If karma exists I hope you have the same retirement as Lee Atwater.”
It is coincidental that Rove created such a mess and walks away citing spending more time with family. Why doesn't he just say..Gee, we started this war and now I don't know what direction to take it in so I think I will make my exit. I appreciate the message Christians are trying to spread but they have to realize that Jesus is about mercy and forgiveness but not at the expense of Justice. Many Christians I know are smart but naive. They have to realize that not everyone loves Jesus. Especially when dealing with other nations.
hiya babe. soz I haven't popped over in a while. Had a small heart attack and the hospital wouldn't let me spend long on't internet. As to loving Jesus, well, I'm a Jedi Knight. Least that's what I put on our last official census. In fact so many put that Jedi Knight is now a legally recognised religion in the UK!!!
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