Thursday, December 13, 2007

Thought of the Day: Pissing on Ike Turner's Grave

Ike Turner died yesterday. He had a tremendous talent for making great music, and I'll be the first to give him that credit. However, he was an absolute bastard of a human being, and I am perplexed as to why I'm looking at all of these glowing reports of his career.

I've never understood the need our society has to make people greater in death than they were in life. Look what happened with Anna Nicole Smith! She was a stripper who spent most of her early years hosting parties at the same house where her son slept, then got famous for being pretty, married a really old guy for money, and finally overdosed. Yet when she died everyone acted like some great person was gone, and the country should feel at a loss. Give me a fucking break!

Now we get to Ike Turner; a man who was arrested multiple times for drug charges, along with episodes of drug-induced violence, and brutalized one of the most talented women ever to sing a note. I've heard people say that Tina would have never gotten to where she is today without Ike, but given the beatings, threats, black eyes, chokings, and split lips, I think she might have preferred to go it on her own and find out.

A man is only as good as the woman who stands beside him, and if the woman can't stand, because he's beaten her too hard, then he isn't shit.



Spot on. He was a good musician but an even better abuser. He wasn't even that well rated over here. Biggest hits this side of the pond where solely due to Tina's vocals.

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU. I've been listening to the, "But his talent should outweigh beating the crap out of Tina" argument on a messageboard I frequent. Also, the, "But there is no proof the beatings were true!"

An asshat is still an asshat, even if he did make great music.