Barack Obama belongs to a church that has a pastor who said that America's fucked up foreign relations policies brought on the 9/11 attacks. This is why my country is in the state it's in right now; stupid wedge issues.
George W. went all over the U.S. proclaiming his love for Jesus, and that won him the election the second time. In the past four years, "Jesus' candidate" has nearly bankrupted our country, gotten us further into a financially devastating war, helped create circumstances that have led to a world-wide food shortage, and sold our oil market out to cronies causing millions of Americans to delve further into poverty. Even Fox News would be hard pressed to point to why the presidency of "Jesus' candidate" should be praised.
Along with the whole Jesus' candidate bullshit was the 'let's stop the gays from marrying' wedge issue that got Republicans into absolute power. All my life all I heard from the Republican party was "if we had complete control, we would make the country better". You had your chance, and not only did you fail miserably, but you brought us into the worst economy since the depression.
Before Democrats get on a high-horse, let me say that the great opposition party that the Democrats were supposed to be ended up being nothing more than a group of spineless, image-conscious weaklings. Democratic kowtowing to Republicans is patently unacceptable especially in a time where the daily lives of the people who trusted them are getting worse. If the Republicans are assholes and block every bill that the Democrats propose, then Democratic politicians should let them be assholes, but get on every news station and let the American people know exactly what is happening. Instead Democrats are trying to play nicey-nice with a group of capitalist shills who don't give two fucks who suffers as long as their corporate buddies make their profit margins.
Barack Obama could have the most racist creep of a pastor that I've ever heard, but I'm still voting for him. Rev. Jeremiah Wright is finally being allowed to stand up and speak about his remarks, and the news media is already screaming that based on an interview that hasn't even happened yet, Obama will be finished. At least that's what they're hoping. If I've learned one thing in the past few weeks, it's that the corporate owned media would rather take the millionth tour of some wingnut Texas cult's compound than talk about international food riots, or the enormous protest that happened in Washington D.C. on tax day. That's right, a half million people gathered in our nation's capital on tax day to protest, but you didn't hear about it. However, the unibrow chick in the prairie costume showed you the dorm style rooms where women and children live on the FLDS "ranch" in Texas over and over again.
I want everyone to join with me this year, and every time a wedge issue comes up, write media sources, both political parties, and whoever else is promoting the wedge issue and speak out against the trivialization of the election process. We can't let a racist pastor keep us from the one candidate who isn't feeding from the corporate trough and might actually make some changes in this country.
1 comment:
Is it just me or is Hilary starting to look like one of those B movie monsters that keeps coming back no matter how many times the kids kill it?
Will Barak be any better than others before?
He's a politician.
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