Monday, March 20, 2006

Lie in the Bed you Made

Has anyone else had as much fun as I have watching these neo-cons and war mongers as they attempt to back peddle their stance on Iraq in an attempt to look like something more than George W.’s bitches? From Time to Newsweek to CNN all I’ve seen lately are right-wingers admitting they may have been too hasty to support their boy in office, while not really apologizing for supporting their boy in office. What they are doing now is attempting to salvage credibility instead of admitting that three years ago they were a bunch of pussies that were unwilling to question the supreme word of their ruler.

The thing that pisses me off is that I don’t want to hear their half-assed attempts at legitimacy, nor do I want to hear another speech by the Resident in Chief about how we are basically doing G-d’s work over in Iraq. I’m fucking sick of people who are supposed to be educated defending a lie. This war was nothing more than a personal vendetta that the Bush family had with Saddam Hussein. When the debacle that was the 2000 election happened, I said to my Republican co-workers at the time, that if I was Saddam Hussein, I’d get the hell out of Bagdad, because it was only a matter of time before Junior would try to avenge Daddy. They laughed at the idea, and unfortunately by the time everything I predicted actually happened, I was no longer working with the doubters.

Three years later all I want to hear are these fuckers admitting they were wrong, and that they lied to everyone, and that’s it. Then I never want to hear from them again. I don’t want to hear a cheap, long-drawn explanation that nullifies their admission of wrongful support, nor do I want to hear them blathering a small attempt at redemption for their ruler. Frankly, they can all fuck off and die, because their existence on television, radio, and the internet, as well as their influence on the frontlines of our government have not made any of our lives better.

In 2000, the Grand Old Party asked us to hand over the reigns of the country to them promising that with absolute power they would do the good things they always have dreamed of doing. They’ve had complete control for six long years, and in that time our country has gone to total shit. We are so crippled in the eyes of the world that we couldn’t invade South Dakota if we wanted to right now. The Arab countries think we’re a big joke, Europe thinks we’re crass, and the Asian countries think we are fiscally irresponsible. Not that I give a flying fuck what anyone else in the world thinks, but if we are seen as bumbling idiots, then it’s only a matter of time before some really bad things start happening here.

I liken the U.S. right now to that bully in high school who seemed like a total bad ass, until you found out that his favorite song was “Girls Just Want to Have Fun,” and that he had to do the special reading and math classes, because he was a “little behind”. All of the sudden his threats didn’t seem to mean so much to you when you thought about him rocking out to Cyndi Lauper circa 1984, while reading the Dick and Jane books.

We are a country of kick ass people, but for some reason we have the worst fucking government! Part of me feels that, in the grand tradition of you get what you deserve, I should just let the dumbasses in the mid-West who voted George W. into office, because he used the word Jesus, suffer the consequences. However, the rest of us who are of a higher, less mainstream, intellect suffer as well.

There is no good solution right now, except to clean house during this next election and vote for independents. No Democrats! No Republicans! They are one in the same. For right now, all I ask is that the media quit giving play to the neo-con pundits who followed like sheep and refused to stand up to a wrongful White House.

No more sob stories or tales of woe on how they sort of felt like objecting, but didn’t want to seem unpatriotic, and after all, a world without Saddam is a better world, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. See, it’s easy, no real apology or admission of wrongdoing needed. Maybe I should take a job as a political speechwriter penning bullshit without really making a point or admitting fault. I could make a lot of money, and be a star in Washington D.C.; the only bummer would be at the end of the day, unlike the current group of assholes who actually do this for a living, I would have to kill myself upon the realization that I contribute nothing but senseless noise to society.


Anonymous said...

Its a pity but its sadly true. The world judges countries on the rich white guy it votes into power.
When Clinton was in, the world viewed Americans as if they were in an episode of friends, dumb but mostly harmless. Since Bush got in its changed to dangerous beyond belief.
I wonder if Brits are seen as sanctimonious and corrupt now, has the perception changed from Thatchers days?

DetroitPatriotette said...

Um...huh? I don't want to start a blog war, here, but I commented on your post on my blog and to be honest? With all due respect? I'm really confused as to what you're so upset about.

I rarely read leftist blogs because frankly I don't have anything to contribute. But I've been lurking on your blog for a while because I like your style. (I think I got here through Blogging Baby or some such) Then I read this post today and all I could think was...huh??

Anyway, no disrespect intended. I still like your style, I just don't get where you're coming from. That's okay, though, because you probably won't "get" where I'm coming from, either.



As of now you're an honorary Brit (if you don't mind the honour). Soon as Georgie Jr got in plenty of us knew what came next. President Bliar was mumbling WOMD straight off. None of 'em will ever apologise. They're politicians. We don't understand the loneliness of power. We're just the plebs who get a vote. Only God understands 'n he's on side. They'll lie in their bed ok. They'll sleep too. 'Cause they're in power n they know what's best. S'cuse me while I take a quick puke...

At the risk of bein' melodramatic -You just spoke for millions. Cheers Punky.

Camie Vog said...

Nice reply, Melanie. I tried reading their site, it made me bristle. I like how she compares Detroit with Falluja. It makes me wonder which richie suburb she is writing ( I mean, trolling) from. Can't possibly be Ann Arbor, as we're too liberal for her liking. Oh, and we say Fuck too much in Ann Arbor(it's amazing that A2 is home to one of the top universities. Only non-educated people use profanity, right?). She must be "holed" up in West Bloomfield...

Melanie said...

I got an absolute kick out of the Detroit Patriotette's blog, because she had the whole 9/11 streaming thing on the side of her commentary - a mandatory for any neo-con site these days. They can't remind us enough of the fear.

It's like those Jews who constantly harp on the Holocaust and choose to identify themselves based on a tragedy instead of focusing on the amazing side of Judaism. Kinda pathetic if you think about it.

I wanted to tell her that my dislike of her Twin Tower images was probably really Goldstein of me, but I'm sure she wouldn't get it (even if I supposedly had less of a motherfucking education than she did).

Funny how the guys who always accuse punks of having no education never give the status of their own background.