Sunday, January 29, 2017

The Lady in the Harbor is Crying

For over 100 years she has sat and watched as newcomers entered this fine land, but today the lady in the Harbor is crying.  She is crying, because, like so many women, she has been hurt by a callous man.  This man has questioned her very purpose.  He has told her that the words she carries around don't matter.  He has used her image to reach his goal, but now that he has his win, he is tarnishing her.

The lady in the Harbor is crying, because she's seen this before.  A time when others were turned away, sent back to a land that murdered them.  Her arms were forced closed by another man who misused her, and innocents died for it.

The lady in the Harbor is crying, because she is watching the land that she has symbolized, whose very essence she embodies, become something she does not recognize.   There has been division before, and suffering ensued.  There have been those opportunists who wanted to bring about the division of a nation to serve their selfish purpose, and it nearly destroyed her fair land.  Now, it is happening again.

The lady in the Harbor is crying, but this time, they may be tears of joy, because this time there are millions marching, millions resisting, millions of true patriots screaming "Not this time!  Not in this country!  Not in our country!".  

The lady in the Harbor is crying, and now it is our time to stand up, wipe her tears, become the embodiment of her dream by living her words:  

"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore.  Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

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