Sunday, April 16, 2006

A Warm Reception at the Neighborhood Egg Hunt...NOT!

Over a year ago, when Jeff and I moved into our Wisteria Lake-like neighborhood, we discovered that they held an annual Easter Egg Hunt. We made the executive parental decision that since colored, plastic eggs and pastel foil-wrapped candy had nothing to do with the whole Jesus legend, we would let Rachael participate. Besides, I know that if I hold her out of this, much like myself, she will rebel by becoming completely absorbed with everything that I define as taboo. For the record, we are telling her now that medical school is some weird, cult-like place where they make magic and voodoo happen, and we are keeping our fingers crossed.

Naturally, on the morning that I rely on my destructive little munchkin to wake us up at the usual time of 7:30/8:00ish, we ending up prodding her out of bed around 9:30 am. We hurried to the children’s park at the end of our street only to be greeted with a disgusted glance from the woman who was bestest buddies with the woman who used to own this house. I returned the glare, and walked right past her trying to avoid the small talk in which she tells me what good friends she used to be with the former owners of my house, and that she’s so sorry they moved. I think the bitch took the hint, because she left soon thereafter.

Jeff helped Rachael gather all of her eggs, while I tried to control Fozzy on the thin leash that kept him from sniffing the butts of everyone searching the park for plastic eggs. My dog might be a short guy, but he is very fat, and has the girth necessary to pull me off my feet. Jeff and I tried to smile and hoped to strike up small talk with some of the other neighbors present at the egg hunt, but they were having none of it.

The only ones who talked to us were an elderly couple that resided on the other side of the neighborhood. Everyone else ignored us like the plague. Since I’m used to not fitting in, and it doesn’t bug me that much, I focused most of my attention on helping Rachael find her plastic eggs. The best thing about hanging around the perimeter was the opportunity to be privy to some interesting conversation like the three, blonde-haired, WASPy people who were talking about one of the neighborhoods that resides adjacent to ours.

Last year, they finished construction on a new tract of about 50 homes. These homes happened to be built by a company that has the reputation for building large houses out of cheap materials. These houses are kind of plain, are a bit low on the quality meter, and usually attract buyers who are the newest citizens to our fine country. They aren’t bad people, and definitely work harder than the plethora of pampered stay-at-home moms that reside in our tract, they are the kind of people who look at their kids every night and tell them how bad they had it in their country, therefore the kids need to study hard and get good grades so that they can get a computer science degree in college.

Apparently, one of the cliques here in Wisteria Lane doesn’t like the fact that this other neighborhood exists next to our pristine tract, because I overheard a woman telling her snooty counterparts that it was like having a trailer park next to us. What a miserable cunt! The houses may not be stellar quality, but those folks have the same mortgage as the rest of us. At that point, I told Rachael it was time to cash in her plastic eggs for a prize. I had had enough of the cold shoulders and shit attitudes, and I had no desire to let my daughter socialize with the children of such shallow parents. If there’s one thing that I’ve learned in life is that the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree, and if these parents were elitist snobs, then their kids are probably going to be a little on the asshole side.

Jeff and I sat there eating our breakfast wondering why we had received such a cold reception. Maybe they didn’t like the fact that Jews were participating in their holiday, which is a completely ridiculous notion, since not even the most devout Christian can tell me how Jesus and bunnies are related. Perhaps they didn’t care for our lack of participation in the prominent social circle that seems to dominate the neighborhood activities. Jeff and I usually go to everything, but neither one of us are fake people, so if we don’t like something, we say so. Maybe they are still mad that we purchased the house that their friends used to live in, and despite the fact that those people only lived here for 4 ½ months, and that they moved nearly two years ago, some people still aren’t over it.

In the end, Rachael got her little present, and a handful of candy, Fozzy got a nice walk and managed to pick a fight with a Corgi, I got to return the glare of that freaky bitch, and Jeff came to the conclusion that I was no longer going to waste any of my time planning events for the neighborhood committee.


Michelle said...

Gotta admire your guts. This side of the pond everyone is on each others toes and there isn't the room for people to be snotty much beyond their own front doors.

But hey, George W isn't the only person entitled to fuck up a country. Tony B is making a good job of it as well. The only sad thing is that I voted for the losers.

Also, I've only got five channels on my TV, and they all stink; TV might as well go out the window (except it is so big it would give me a hernia to attempt it) as I haven't seen the price is right on any station for years. Further proof that Brits don't have any taste.

The tip of putting honey in green tea is duly noted, as also is the sleeping kitty line. I'll never have kids so I'll never get the chance to use it, but what the hey!

jivetalkinmama said...

Wow...sounds like every christmas eve when my mother-in-law gets plowed and tells me how much she hated me when I first started going out with my husband... we've been together 17 years married for 15... some people just can't move on. Sound like Rachael had a good time, at least.

Anonymous said...

Next year you could try wearing a 'Jesus was wrong' T-shirt or maybe one that says 'At least the old testament god had some balls'.

Regarding the eggs and Jesus thing, well the Christians didn’t have any particularly good things to offer the people of western Europe. Hence Christianity was forced upon its peoples, the pagans/polytheists/whatevers who lived quite happily there used to celebrate spring with symbols of eggs. They represented new life, in fact the Christians invented xmas because the pagans had rituals held in midwinter (Yule log).
Christians are the precedents of capitalism and now the vacuous consumerism that has spread like a tumor in the conscience of the western world.
What the fuck are 'Easter cards'? We have to destroy huge swathes of tree's so some bunch of cunts can celebrate myths? Thanks Jesus, you really fucking suck.

Gina said...

What an event! You could tell them to kiss your ass in Macy's window with all the flood lights on" but that wont win you any popularity contests either...Its ALL about Rachael...I love that photo!!!

Gina said...

What an event! You could tell them to "kiss your ass in Macy's window with all the flood lights on" but that wont win you any popularity contests either...Its ALL about Rachael...I love that photo!!!

Anonymous said...

It's such a shame that there are people out there that are just that close minded. I may not like every single person I meet, but I wouldn't begrudge them showing up to an Easter egg hunt. Okay, there was that one church picnic that I got a little bit snippy with the chic who decided my husband would enjoy a little lip lock action, but can you blame me on that one?


Hold a BBQ n invite 'em all. Set up a large empty spit roast n say it was for the first one to annoy you n play loud Pistols n Ramones n Adverts etc etc etc. Don't forget to invite everyone from the new 'cheap' houses. As a final touch set up a crucifixion cross with Sid Vicious on it.

Away you go. Acceptance by all. Easy.

Fate said...

Damn. Assholes. Sounds like the neighborhood I used to live in. We were the OUTCASTS of the naborhood and we lived next door to the NOSIEST couple. I tried in the beginning to FIT in, but after a while I just said FUCK IT and ignored all of them right back. I honestly could not believe how relieved I was when we moved out of the house and into a townhouse. No more dirty looks, no more whispering neighbors and best of all NO MORE FUCKING HOME OWNER'S ASSOCIATION!

PS - I'm a Jew and I dressed my kids up as a bunny and a chickie this past Easter just to amuse my friends and myself (they were CUTE)... then again I also did Puppet Theater Seder this year... nothing is sacred to me ;)

Anonymous said...

Not all Christians are the way in which so many of you describe them all to be. By making blanket statements like many of you have, you are being just as close minded and judgemental as those Christians you hate. I am a Christian and I understand the why behind what is done at Easter and Christmas. Just because I am a Christian doesn't mean that I am stupid (I have a M. Ed), hateful, or close-minded. I have found in my life (being a teacher- I see this every day) that most of the time the things we hate in others and continually put others down for are the same qualities we see in ourselves and don't like.