Saturday, July 21, 2007

Weekly Recap 7/15-21: The Plame Game & Not Posh in Paris

Headline News Recap

Score yet another one for the Regime as Judge John Bates dismissed Valerie Plame’s suit against Karl Rove, Scooter Libby, and Dick Cheney this week. Apparently the courts are reluctant to hold public officials responsible for their actions. Throw on the fact that this judge was appointed by Chief Justice (and neocon Great White Hope) John Roberts, along with the judge’s previous service on the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, and you have the perfect recipe for the dismissal. Plus, why should we start holding our homegrown junta responsible now. In the past six years, they have started a war that has put our grandchildren into debt, cost thousands of lives, and fueled a huge anti-American movement amongst Islamic fundamentalists by lying to us, they have let corporations go haywire selling our infrastructure out for pure profits, they continue to not give a rat’s ass about the American public, so why should we be surprised when they out a CIA operative as revenge then let one of their appointees dismiss the lawsuit. These bastards don’t need to be impeached, they need to be imprisoned!

Congress pulled an all-nighter in an attempt to force an Iraq War pullout deadline. Not surprisingly, Senate Republicans blocked the measure claiming that once they have the magic report in September they will be better able to make a decision about a timeline. I’m just wondering what excuse they will use to continue letting their cronies in the war profit machine carry on with their moneymaking at our soldiers’ expense once September rolls around.

The federal government has decided to lift the ban on carrying cigarette lighters on airplanes. Let me get this straight, I can’t carry on a bottle of gel for my hair, but Smokey McChimneyLungs can crowd me in the middle seat while schlepping a small device that starts fires. I knew the influence of tobacco companies couldn’t be held at bay for long.

For a short time today, while Resident Bush received a routine colonoscopy to screen for precancerous conditions, Dick Cheney was president. Never fear American Public, this is no different than the past six years where Cheney has made all of the decisions, while Bush has had something else shoved up his ass…his head.

I think I heard some sort of rumor that a new Harry Potter book is coming out, or something to that nature. Okay, people, it’s a good series, and it encourages kids to read, but people have been waiting out for days in front of book stores to get their copies of the new Potter book. It must be nice to not have to work for a living or worry about having a social life. You know, is really easy to use, and sometimes they offer free shipping.

In Local News

Tomorrow night my company is doing a huge event on a private estate in Malibu with a lot of celebrities. I guess it would be cool if I gave a rat's ass about celebrities. They told me that the dress code for this event is “L.A. Casual Chic”. What the fuck is that!?! You know, events in Seattle were simple; you had casual which meant slacks and a nice shirt, or formal which meant cocktail dress or gown. Thus far, I have had to dress tropical/Hawaiian chic, nautical, evening casual, and now L.A. casual chic. Thankfully, black goes with everything, even nautical. I should look at this as an opportunity to expand my wardrobe, but it all seems so superficial. Besides, I’m not down with spending money on nautical themed clothing.

Worthless Entertainment News

It was reported this week that Paris Hilton recently attempted to make friends with new Los Angeles resident, Victoria “Posh Spice” Beckham, only to be snubbed by the Poshster. Let’s start by stripping away the fame, money, gossip mongers, and look at this situation in real world terms. Posh is 33-years old, married, and has kids, other than some high profile, red carpet events, and a few soccer games; Posh isn’t out making the nightlife rounds. Paris is 26, single, parties like mad, and has just done time in jail. What the hell would they have in common other than being famous and living in L.A.? Plus, what mother in her right mind would want to have a drunk driving, party girl around her kids.

Now that the whole Harry Potter series has come to an end, newspapers and other media outlets have been speculating as to what Author J.K. Rowling will do with her time. How about sit on her ass and spend the millions in profits that the little wizard has provided her. If she never touches her keyboard again, I’m sure J. will have plenty to do, and lots of money to do it with.

Asshole(s) of the Week

Los Angeles Archdiocese and Cardinal Roger Mahony – This week to avoid a trial were hundreds of victims might actually have their day in court; the Los Angeles Archdiocese settled a massive lawsuit paying out $660 million to victims of child sexual abuse by its priests. The ringleader in this case was Cardinal Roger Mahony who moved molesting priests from parish to parish to avoid prosecution. Sure, the money might help some of the victims, but most of these people who were molested as kids are now in their 40s or 50s, and their lives have been riddled with broken marriages, addiction, and sadness. The damage has been done, and like I said, the money might help, but it doesn’t take away the pain. Also, why the hell is Mahony allowed to get off scot-free? He aided and sheltered known child molesters, isn’t this a crime? The church’s insurance will actually end up paying a decent portion of the settlement, but at least parents are aware that trust has nothing to do with faith, especially when it concerns your kids. For making the childhoods of hundreds, and perhaps thousands, of people a living hell, and relegating them to a life of pain, Los Angeles Archdiocese and Cardinal Roger Mahoney, you are the Assholes of the Week.



Wonder why they're allowing lighters on planes when you can't smoke on planes or even in the terminals? Weird.

Even Posh isn't dumb enough to go near Hilton....

Jax is currently reading the last Potter. We had it on order just like the others. Caz walked past the queue of all nighters up to the counter and came home with it.

Beats sleeping in the streets

Anonymous said...

Didn't the new Potter book sell at a rate of 5,000 units per minute or something like that? JK Rowling is one rich bitch.