Since CNN and all of the major media outlets are unrolling their "Hillary for President" banners, and giving the most half-assed, one-sided (and may I add, fucking pathetic) coverage to the latest CNN Democratic candidate debates, I've taken it upon myself to raise my mighty bullshit sword, and give you the straight up on what went down in Vegas last week. I watched the whole thing start to finish, and here's my take on it.
There was a bit of mud-slinging, but what do you expect from seven people all competing for the same job. This was supposed to be Hillary's comeback debate, and all the corporate media is calling her the winner, but from what I saw, she was the weakest one on the stage. The woman is acting like she is already the Democratic nominee, and is so scared of saying anything that would give the Republican Party fodder for negative ads that she is not saying anything at all. She is so damn vague on every issue that despite being physically upright, she had no stand, even on that fucking ridiculous 'diamonds or pearls' question. Note to CNN: Nobody wants to hear that shit! We are all on the verge of poverty or know someone who is, stop baiting the crowd with questions we could care less about!
Obama rocked as did Dennis Kucinich. Yes, I know he's a radical, and kind of funny looking, but at least he doesn't waffle on speaking his mind. He is also pro-worker, anti-big money, and didn't vote for the "Patriot" Act, which he pointed out at the debate. Richardson did quite well, too, and made a good point about the Republican wedge issue du jour (i.e. driver's licenses for illegals) being more a public safety issue than a 'come on in and take jobs from legal citizens' issue.
Biden usually has good, strong opinions and expressed them, but is still somewhat suspect, because he's too used to the game. Dodd is kind of dead in the water, and doesn't really say much worth taking notice of, and Edwards was a flat-out disappointment. Edwards was weak and didn't really stand out, but he did bring up the fact that this primary is about whether we want a corporate Democrat or a people's Democrat for the nominee, which I completely agree with.
This brings me back to Hillary. Since I was a little girl, I've dreamed of having a woman president, but this lady is not the one I was thinking of. She is getting a lot of attention, and being appointed the winner (even by Fox News), because she has taken an assload of money from media special interests including Rupert Murdoch. She's as corporate as they come and in Vegas came off arrogant. We've been lied to consistantly for six years, and I, personally, don't feel like being lied to anymore. Hillary may be the media's darling, but she doesn't give a rat's ass about representing the people (unless of course by the people, you mean the rich, corporate people).
Obama really shined in this debate, and took some positions that are traditionally unpopular like the need to raise taxes for individuals making over $97,000 per year in order to save the Social Security program. He was direct, specific, and extremely optimistic. All of his critics say he doesn't have enough "Washington" experience to be president, but that may be a good thing, because it means that his mind hasn't been infected with D.C. bullshit.
Richardson was also really specific on a lot of things, and quite direct on criticizing both the president and the Congress for lack of action. He comes at all the issues with more of a state's rights point of view, because he's a governor, which is refreshing. I'm not sure if I could see him being president at this point, but he is a very viable choice for second in command.
My personal favorite is Kucinich, because he says what we are all thinking, and doesn't give two fucks about appearing appropriate. I think deep down he knows he doesn't have a shot at the presidency, but he runs, because he cares about this country very much, and is gravely concerned about the fact that crimes are being committed in other countries using our name, and that regular Americans are suffering. I hope Dennis sticks it out until the end just to be a thorn in the ass to everyone else.
I haven't seen much about the Republicans debating, but there's really no point in watching it. In fact, if you want to watch a Republican debate just take a 10 second clip of each candidate taking about Islamofacisim, terrorism, and fear and run it on a constant loop until your brain explodes. Rudy and the rest of the boys say that as an American I'm supposed to be deathly afraid of some 20-year-old, uneducated guy from Pakistan who rides a mule from place to place and knows how to fire a Soviet issue machine gun leftover from the 1970s. Sorry, boys but I live in a country where the 14 year old down hanging out in Compton is better armed than these so-called terrorists, and my tax dollars have funded enough nuclear bombs to destroy the earth ten times over. I was disturbed and pissed off by 9/11, but I was never afraid, and now, like the rest of America who is trying to figure out how to make ends meet, I'm just pissed off. So Rudy, enough of your fucking 9/11 bullshit speeches, they are boring, and this country isn't made of yellow bellied cowards who are scared of their own shadows. We are Americans, and as many of your (hopefully former) constituents pointed out, "these colors don't run".
Don't mind from this side of the pond. Nobody could be worse than Bush whacker.
Mind you I'd like to be able to pronounce the Presidents name let alone spell it...
The black fella seems like a good choice to me so he's probably got no chance....sadly
Until the day I die, I will never understand hating someone because of the color of their skin. I hate people because they are assholes, not because they are black, brown or otherwise. I like Obama, too, but I agree that, sadly, my country is still too small-minded to vote a black guy in as president. I hope I'm wrong, but for some crazy reason, those bubbas in the South have a lot of influence.
im really glad that us "bubbas" are the only racist in America.. gotta go wash my cape and gas up my cross Thanks sis n law....; ) love ya
Brother dear, bubbas aren't the only racists, and aren't all racists. However, bubbas are a strong voting force, and the South is always the litmus test of who will win the presidency. I'm not sure why that is, but it is that way.
If we are being realistic, then you would have to agree the likelihood of Obama winning the South is slim to none. Although the black population in the South is huge, it doesn't translate into votes. C'mon, on the real, how many of your relatives will be staking Obama signs in their Tennessee yards?
touche' I just hate that we are the only ones labeled racist thats all.
oops...caused a family argument...
what the hell? Why change the habit of a lifetime eh?
Go Obama!!! (far too nice to be a President in't he?) - send him over here. He'd win hands down.
word veri thingy is 'charm'!!! Can't be me....
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