Friday, January 11, 2008

Thought of the Day: Now That is F@!?ked Up!

I have always thought the worst case scenario of all of these rampant fertility treatment pregnancies, use of banked sperm, multiply harvested embryos, and concealed adoptions, would be two genetically identical people meeting later in life, completely unaware of the other's existence, and unknowingly hooking up.

I'm sad (and really disturbed) to report that this actually happened! In England, twins separated at birth recently had their marriage annulled when they found out they were brother and sister. Everyone repeat after me: EEEEEEEWWWWW!!!!

They had been separated at birth, adopted by different families and never told about each other. When they met as adults they had an instant connection, only instead of serendipity it was common DNA. They have now helped push for laws that protect the rights of adoptees.

The article didn't say anything about how the twins were doing mentally and emotionally, but it can't be good. I mean finding out you slept with your sibling is worth at least five years of therapy, but finding out that you fell in love and married your sibling takes it to a whole new level. Especially when you know that when they think of the best intimacy they have ever had with a member of the opposite sex, the first thought likely to enter their head will be their former spouse, about five seconds before the reality hits that it was their sibling.

One more time, repeat after me: EEEEEEWWWW!!!



We're playing God and he screwed it up to begin with so what chance eh?

I'm adopted but, as far as I know, have never slept with my sister - if I have one.

Can you imagine sitting in a pub with your brother in law and saying "Yeah my sister's really good in bed".....

Good header. That really is fucked up!!!

Anonymous said...

It appears that you think the twins were the result of fertility treatments? Most folks who undergo fertility treatments do NOT then give away the children. (Baring the case of the Fla mom who had IVF twins, signed adoption papers while suffering post partum depression, and is fighting to get them back).

I think that this is a case of those on the right not wanting fertility treatments bringing up a sensational case as part of the debate in the UK on fertility laws. And yet, there has been NO EVIDENCE that I've seen that says they were the result of fertility treatments, and it is highly likely that they were adopted out after a "natural" pregnancy where the birth mom couldn't keep them. I HATE IT when the religious right twists facts around to suit their agenda!

Also, how do we know this is not just an elaborate hoax? Names are not being released. Exactly HOW did the twins find out they were twins? Did they not have conversations about "Gee, I'm adopted too, honey." "Gee, I have the same birth date as you, honey." "Gee, I also was born at X hospital and adopted out through Y agency." etc.? AND what exact tests were done? Who goes around having DNA tests done, unless someone is suspected of murder??

I'd be willing to bet dollars to donuts this is a fake story, but at the very best, it is still a corruption of the facts to force a political opinion.


(yellowgirlnc at yahoo dot com)

Melanie said...

Yellowgirl - Of course this incident was not likely the result of fertility treatments. However, I have always wondered about this type of thing happening with sperm banks. I doubt there was any right wing agenda behind this story since it appeared in a British newspaper, and right wing over there means something completely different.

By the way, unless the laws have changed drastically, most adopted children aren't privy to information about where they were born. My stepdad was adopted as an infant and all he knows is that he was adopted in Spokane, Washington. He doesn't know if that's where he was actually born, or if he has siblings.

This situation in England could realistically happen, and that is where the weird EEEEEWWWW factor comes in, and why I decided to write about. It's just too creepy to go by the wayside.