Saturday, February 25, 2006

You Can't Have it Both Ways

All my life I’ve harbored a healthy hatred of hypocrisy, particularly when it comes to politics, culture and society, so it’s disturbing to me that lately there are those who are, in power that want to have it both ways.

Recently they passed a law in South Dakota banning abortion in all cases except if the mother’s life is in danger, which means they think women are nothing more than sperm receptacles, unless of course they might die, then it be somewhat necessary to save the uterus incubator or the state will get sued. Basically, if an innocent 14 year old girl is violently thrown down on the floor of a basement bathroom, beaten bloody, and raped by a beer-swilling uncle, despite her already traumatized state, she has to carry the baby to term in middle school. Thank you legislators of South Dakota for pushing an ultra right-wing agenda that permits the cruel and unusual punishment of 14 year olds who had the nerve to be born with vaginas. I wonder when they will begin issuing burqas in South Dakota?

The thing about this law is that it is only a matter of time before South Dakota starts bitching about how embarrassed they are by their incest and rape statistics or that there are too many teens in their fine state having babies, which leads me to another “you can’t have it both ways.”

Hey geniuses in the Bush Administration, stop telling young people, especially girls, that sex is bad and abstinence is the way to go, when all you do is provide corporate welfare to companies that use sex to sell everything. You can’t have a cultural message that screams, “Girls, your only sense of worth is based on the sex you provide to men,” then demonize these girls when they act based on the messages they are overwhelmed with.

If the government was really into pushing abstinence, they would halt tax breaks for companies that used sex to sell their products. This isn’t censorship, because companies such as Calvin Klein, Abercrombie & Fitch, and Bacardi could continue to do their brand of dry hump advertising, they just wouldn’t be able to use my tax dollars to pay for the half-naked, underage looking models.

Another thing that is bugging me is something I grew up with in my former state of residence, Idaho. Idahoans would constantly vote Republican. Satan could be on the ballot in Idaho and would be elected as long as he had an (R) behind his name. Then the dumbshits would bitch about the fact that all the laws favored employers over workers, and that the rich seemed to get richer, while working folks could barely make a living. Ya think!

The whole rich getting richer in this country is another situation where you can’t have it both ways. What are the Bush families of America thinking by widening the gap between rich and poor, eliminating the middle class, and creating an enormous base of direly poor, starving people. Are those rich motherfuckers completely ignorant of world history? We’ve seen this uber-wealthy/starving class scenario played out before in Russia, China, France, you name it! The Bush family should have been shaking in their boots at the site of all of those ultra poor people gathered outside of the Superdome after Katrina went down. Did King Bush ever read about another wealthy and influential ruling dynasty family called Romanov? They wound up in the woods, murdered execution style by the fantastic Bolsheviks. You can’t create such a divide between the rich and poor, it never works, and FYI to the rich, you end up dead.

I’m not saying that I’m infallible when it comes to minor acts of hypocrisy; I’ve found myself as a mother, uttering the line “because I said so.” However, I don’t make laws that affect millions of people and set a standard in society that others are forced to live by. This entire administration seems to want to say one thing, and then do another, and it’s horrifying, especially when they have dittoheads on talk radio convincing people that the Bush regime has their best interests at heart.
I’ve been hoping for the past six years that people in this country will wake up and realize that the Bush family could give a fuck less about the average American, but I didn’t know the degree to which my fellow countrymen lacked basic knowledge. I mean, I’m just flat in awe of how fucking stupid Middle America is. These are the same people who bitch about it costing $45 to fill up their pickup or minivan, yet they have a Bush ’04 sticker in their back window.

I don’t want to completely fault the Republicans, because we all know that Republicans will always choose money and power over the well-being of people, that’s what they do. If I leave a cookie on the table, Fozzy will try to eat it, because he’s a dog and that’s what he does.

The Democrats who were supposed to be the great opposition have fallen as flaccid as a pre-Viagra penis, when it comes to standing up against the hypocrisies. Where was the fucking filibuster for Alito? I guess we should tell the Democrats that you can’t have it both ways either. You can’t present yourself as they great opposition, the party of the people, and then do nothing against laws and measures that will directly affect the people you are supposed to be protecting.

Then again, to the people, you can’t have it both ways. You can’t keep electing the same person to the same congressional or senatorial position term after term and expect them not to get caught up in the Washington D.C. pissing contest. Regime change across the board anyone?



And to think I was gettin' pissed of livin' in England....

Camie Vog said...

Yeah! You go, sister! Brilliant piece, Melanie. I knew greatness would flow from you on this topic.

The class issue in this country was a good segway. I'm sick of living like crap, whilst others thrive.

Melanie said...

Thanks Camie, I appreciate the feedback. I know lots of people who are living like crap, or just barely above it, and there aren't too many people thriving. When I look around, I see very few thriving people in this country who are just average people. The few super wealthy in this country better have summer homes somewhere in Europe, because when too many people look around and finally realize that they are living like crap, there is going to be some serious, Boleshevik shit going down.

I can guarantee that this coming revolution will not be televised, until we have taken over the tv programming.

Anonymous said...

Great blog thus far. Bush and the rest of the neo-con facists rely on the media far more than czsar nicolas ever could.
It seems that as long as you are a white middle aged millionaire mysognist then the USA is the place to live. If you are poor then forget it. I have yet to visit the states, at times I wonder if I would really want too. Then, people like you post blogs like these and I think to myself, "go for it".

Camie Vog said...

I added you to my blog roll...

Melanie said...

Steve, the U.S. is a fantastic country with great people living in it, we just have a fucked up government. Along with a group of mindless idiots who will vote for anyone that says that he was divinely inspired by Jesus, which is a scary statement. My fellow countrymen go ape shit when someone says they were divinely inspired by Allah, but Jesus seems to be okay. Whatever!

Anyways, I would recommend visiting the States, because you can hate the government, but not the people (well some of them you can hate, I know I do, but some of us are okay.)

As for me, I LOVED London when I was there. I would like to visit again sometime soon.

McMayhem said...

Beautifully said about the abortion issue in SD.

The unfortunate part is that no amount of erudite, researched debate will sway the views of those who put the ruling into effect.