Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Thought of the Day

I know this sounds crazy, but I think this whole business about O.J. Simpson being involved in an armed robbery is bullshit. I'm no fan of the guy, and do believe he killed his wife. Any man that could bloody the mother of his children's face with his fists in a violent rage, could kill her without a hitch. However, this latest media hype (which I'm already completely sick of) just seems like a charade.

Why would O.J., a guy who is well aware of his social pariah status, get involved with a traffic ticket, let alone something like armed robbery. There are too many holes in the story, and the witnesses are already proving to be completely unreliable. What this situation is, plain and simple, is the desire by everyone to see this guy punished, but the big problem is that punishing him for anything just to punish him is wrong. Our legal system is designed to achieve fair results in most situations. I believe it failed in the O.J. case, largely due to media sensationalism. However, it's a pretty good system.

This latest tabloid splash is just American society's desire to see revenge played out on a guy who deserves to be in prison. The thought of O.J. behind bars would make me happy, but the thought of anyone wrongly convicted or jailed over bullshit charges makes me shutter. Enough of this O.J. crap, and let's make the news talk about something relevant like the fact that all of the presidential candidates suck.


Anonymous said...

The fact that someone could get off for 2 murder charges but get life in prison for burglary and kidnapping charges is a testimony to the idiots running our legal system. Especially the scum he runs with. It is true that they have really blown this out of proportion. Now they just want his arrogant ass behind bars.


I'd forgotten about him. Now I haven't. Wonder if he's owt to do with it just for publicity?