Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Big Brother (Mohammed) is Watching You

The Pope angered Muslims during a lecture at a German university where he quoted, at length, a conversation from a 14th Century Byzantine Christian emperor. Basically, his retelling of the story accused Muslims of engaging in violent acts in the name of G-d by reciting, "Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached." Pope Benedict also talked about the concept of jihad, and continued to deal with the less friendly aspects of Islam.

It took less than 48 hours after the Pope’s lecture for the entire Muslim world to go ape shit, and begin doing heinous acts of violence against Christian and Catholic targets, which makes me wonder why it’s okay for Muslims to talk smack about every other faith in the world, but the moment someone mentions that Islam may not be so sweet and peaceful, blood is shed.

Although the Pope calling Islam into question seems like the pot calling the kettle black, it seems that no one is allowed to question the actions of Muslims or discuss, with an ounce of criticism, the passages of the Koran or teachings of Mohammed without having to go into some sort of witness protection program.

Retribution against those who criticize Islam isn’t new. I was quite young when British author, Solomon Rushdie, published his book, The Satanic Verses. I remember my mother getting angry at the fact that he had to go into hiding, and that his fellow Muslims were calling for his death. What I didn’t understand was why. My 15-year-old mind couldn’t comprehend the idea that criticism of one’s own faith amounted to a death sentence. I remembered thinking, ‘I criticized my faith and the faiths around me quite often; and still do, why wasn’t it possible for everyone to have that right?’

This brand of Islamic retribution continued a few years later in 1994 when Karl Lagerfeld, designing for Chanel, used a verse from the Koran in his spring couture collection. Claudia Schiffer modeled the dress, and a few days later refused to leave her house without the company of bodyguards due to the amount of death threats she received. Lagerfeld was made to apologize to everyone and eventually burned the garment. Both of these instances seem harsh considering that they were prior to September 11th.

Now that Islam has become widespread, I am angry that violence happens any time someone turns one critical eye towards the faith. There are some very big problems happening within that religion, and you’d have to be an idiot not to recognize it. Why is it that when members of the world community point out the obvious like, maybe it’s not cool that there are bands of Muslim rebels in Africa who go around killing anyone that doesn’t convert, they are forced to apologize or face threats of death?

Christians, Jews, Catholics, and most other religions get criticized constantly (especially Jews). A good amount of the criticism against the aforementioned religions comes from Muslim nations, (especially against the Jews) yet you don’t see Catholics setting embassies on fire or bands of marauding Christians ransacking buildings when cartoons of Jesus appear in the papers.

I realize that the Catholic Church has their own shameful history of tyranny and oppression, but their leader should have the right to quote whatever 14th Century conversation he wants to without worrying about nuns being gunned down in Africa or churches being burnt in the West Bank. (Note to Palestinians: Christians and Catholics often see themselves as two different faiths, so nice going guys; you burned the wrong religious institutions.)

Muslims must realize that if they want a place on the world stage then they must endure all that comes with being on the world stage. If you want Islam recognized as a major religious force in the world, then you have to accept questions, criticism, and, unfortunately, downright mocking at times by those whose only understanding of your faith comes from a non-stop reel of news footage with your extremists beheading soldiers and calling for jihads against the West. Fame is a bitch, that’s all there is to it. When you actively seek members to join your club, don’t be surprised if the other established clubs, who are also after those new members, begin questioning your mission statement.

If Islam is the peaceful religion its people claim it is, then you have got to show restraint when someone presents an idea that doesn’t adhere to your faith’s credo. Dishing it out is easy, taking it is a whole different story.


Anonymous said...

I just showed my teacher this during break time and she said "Don't let anybody know or you will get into trouble". Not because I'm looking at it on my lappy but because some muslim parents complained that their children have to attend our Christian assembly. They knew our school was a Church of England school before they sent their children here. Weird or what?

Melanie said...

Jax - Very weird. A couple of weekends ago, we attended a neighborhood "Family Day" party that was hosted by a church. We didn't get angry, because they had Jesus stuff everywhere. If we didn't want to deal with the Jesus stuff we wouldn't have gone to the event.

Same with Christmas. We don't celebrate it, but we live in a Christian nation, so when someone wishes us a "Merry Christmas" we say 'thank you, and Merry Christmas to you, too'.

The Islamic sensativity level is way too high. I've heard stories from countless Palestinian Christians who have had to leave the Territories, because of harsh discrimination and death threats. Why is it that the world is supposed to bend for them, yet they don't accommodate others on their land?

If anyone can enlighten me, I would appreciate it.


I seem to be following my daughter around in cyberspace. Has she done any schoolwork today?? Never mind. Clever little minx'll be ok.

A burger van near a park our way was burnt out overnight by 'followers of Islam' who didn't like the fact the bloke sold bacon butties. Sensitivity? Personally I'd bomb the lot of 'em with slaughtered pigs. But that's just me. (Bit harsh on the pigs I suppose)

Melanie said...

4D - My own husband likes bacon on his cheeseburgers, and although I tease him, I would never tell him he couldn't have it. If he wants to obliterate kosher laws, that's his business, and I would never feel proper telling him otherwise.

It's amazing to me that a group of folks move in and suddenly expect the world to conform to them, and get violent if it doesn't.

Anonymous said...

Islam makes monkeys of us all.

I've read some of the Koran. Its crap, I mean as a religious text its nothing new. Wife beating, child molestaton, angry god...the usual.

I dont know, is it a coincidence that Islam flourishes in countries that dont educate their young?