Thursday, January 11, 2007

Dumb As a Box of Rocks

He just doesn’t fucking get it, does he! Just two months after an election that would have brought about anarchy in a less civilized country, and our Resident-in-Thief has stuck to his “stay the course” strategy by coming up with a plan to send 20,000+ more troops to Iraq and give them $1.6 billion of our tax dollars to spend on social programs. This coming from a guy who championed cutting benefits to grandparents in our country (the one he happens to be president of) who are struggling to raise grandchildren.

I never trusted this Iraq thing from the beginning, and no, I’m not one of those people who are saying that now, because the war is unpopular. When Bush & Company stole the election in 2000, my first response was that Saddam Hussein better find himself a villa in the middle of nowhere, because it was only a matter of time before Sonny Boy would seek to beat Daddy’s legacy.

Here we are, four years later, fighting this so-called War on Terror, and giving our fundamentalist enemies in the Middle East more propaganda fodder than they could have ever wished for. This war has been a strategic, financial, moral and philosophical disaster, but our genius at the top keeps hoping that pissing in the river will make it better. Even his loyal, neocon dittoheads are nearly at their wits end trying to stretch those dusty talking points to defend their man.

You think he would have gotten the message when everyone figured out there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, but no, he had to stay the course. You think he would have gotten the message when allied nations began pulling troops out like a fat kid reaching into a jar of Skittles, but no, he had to stay the course. Finally, you think he would have gotten the message when the entire country voted to turn power over to the opposing party based on the failure of this war, but no, he is still staying the course.

Herein lays the question: is our President a complete fucking moron, or does he just not give a rat’s ass about what the American people think? If he’s a wailing idiot his behavior has a small chance of being forgiven…someday…in the distant future…long after we’re dead. However, if he just doesn’t give a damn about what the American people, and other branches of government, and the top military generals, and most of the other countries in the world, think, then he is guilty of treason.

He is a public official whose duty it is to serve the will of the people, and the people have made it clear that they are not in favor of dumping any more money and lives into this worthless cause. Anderson Cooper pointed out that the amount of money spent on the Iraq War could have funded 700 new elementary schools in every state (staff and all), or could give every American driver free gas for one year.

It makes me sick to look around at the sorry state of this country’s infrastructure, and realize that we didn’t have the money to help those folks in New Orleans, but we managed to give every Halliburton shareholder a record 2006.

Sadly, Resident Bush’s speech and asinine proposal wasn’t the only fuck up of the week. He greenlighted drilling for oil in Alaska despite long-standing protests from environmental groups, government officials, scientists, and other critics, both in and out of the Republican Party.

At this point I’m wondering if this whole Iraq War is really about spreading democracy, or like the Alaska oil drilling, was it just a great big scheme to make a few people very rich. Most Iraqis say that their lives are far worse now than they were under Saddam, and with the pending civil war, they aren’t very optimistic about the future. In the States, we are now left with debt that our great grandkids will struggle to pay off, and have become every terrorist’s favorite target.

From now on, no more “stay the course” or new plans, and I don’t want to hear another word about how we need to “win”. Nobody is going to win, except for those war profiteers. Bush (most likely under gunpoint) admitted he made mistakes, yet he still doesn’t feel the need to do anything different than before. As a parent, I see this all the time with my toddler, where she says “sorry” and doesn’t mean it, so to the American people I say; it’s time to start treating our President like the toddler that he is, and take away his power. If we can impeach Clinton for a blowjob, then we can surely impeach Bush for starting and continuing to fund an illegal war on taxpayer dollars.


FreedomGirl said...

You are preachin' to the choir, sister! Thats why it was weirdly satisfying to see my daughter drawing all over the tv w/dry erase markers during the address...there is hope for the future, yet.

As for your post title, I think you may have sold the box of rocks short...

Anonymous said...

bush n blair. made for each other but nobody else. classic newsflash! my mate's been arrested. he was on the M4 into London in a mega traffic jam. It goes to 2 lanes near London from 3. The outside lane is buses n taxi's only. my mate spots a flash limo with police outriders comin down the clear buslane. he pulls out n block's em. it was Blair n his entourage!!! the bike cops flashed him to move n he sat there n wouldn't. then he gave em the finger. then he got nicked. ah well. am I jealous or what????